Clarissa Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My mama, and all of us, like the rest of the world, talk of nobody but you on this occasion, and of the consequences which may follow from the resentments of a man of Mr. Lovelace's spirit; who, as he gives out, has been treated with high indignity by your uncles (1.9)

We have to give it to Anna: she's dead on with this one. But she also just might be pumping up Clarissa's pride with all her talk about "the rest of the world" gossiping about Clarissa.

Quote #2

He, with an imperious air, bid me deserve his love, and I should be sure to have it. (8.28)

Looks like love isn't unconditional in the Harlowe family. Nope, Clarissa has to cater to her prideful bro's every whim before she gets his support.

Quote #3

It was always my pride and my pleasure to obey you (16.46)

Although this is totally an eighteenth-century expression, it does seem like Clarissa's proud of her obedience. What do you think, Shmoopers? Should Clarissa have been a little bit less proud about her virtue?