Man and the Natural World Quotes in Cloud Atlas

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"The only answer can be 'There is no "Why."' This is our nature. 'Who' and 'What' run deeper than 'Why.'" (3.29.2)

We're still trying to understand this one. What's that, Yoda? Do or do not; there is no try? Okay, perhaps Alberto Grimaldi is saying that people are they way there, and that's all there is to it. Taking that into consideration, he's a shmuck, and that's all there is to it.

Quote #2

My mind fumbled with such enormity and dropped it; how could I understand such a limitless world? (5.1.158)

Sonmi is pretty open-minded. She allows for the fact that there are no absolute truths in this world, and we can never be certain of anything. Especially nutrition. We can't remember—is wheat good for us or not?

Quote #3

Corpocracy isn't just another political system that will come and go—corpocracy is the natural order, in harmony with human nature. (5.1.371)

Corpocracy may or may not be in harmony with human nature (what do you think?) but it's definitely not in harmony with nature-nature. How many times have they paved paradise to put up a parking lot?