Francis Goodman, a.k.a. The Cosmopolitan Timeline and Summary


Francis Goodman, a.k.a. The Cosmopolitan Timeline and Summary

  • Halfway through the the novel, Frank shows up and eavesdrops on Pitch's conversation with the man from the Philosophical Intelligence Office. He starts a conversation with Pitch about misanthropy. They agree to disagree.
  • Charlie eavesdrops on the conversation and starts talking to Frank once Pitch leaves. They talk for a long time about backwoodsmen and misanthropy.
  • Frank asks Charlie for money. Charlie bugs out. Frank seems to cast a coin spell that resets Charlie, and they continue talking pleasantly.
  • Charlie leaves, and Mark Winsome sits in his place and badmouths him. Frank's not into that, but the two nevertheless have a tangled conversation about charity.
  • Winsome swaps Egbert into the conversation. Frank and Egbert have a hypothetical exchange about lending money to a friend.
  • Frank bristles at Egbert and storms off.
  • Frank greets the barber with a blessing and finagles a free shave.
  • Finally, Frank descends into the sleeping cabins, reads the Bible with an old man, and guides the old man to the old man's room in the dark.