Corinna's Going A-Maying Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Corinna's Going A-Maying? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Aurora doing while Corinna is sleeping?

baking sunbeam pies
throwing her fresh-quilted colors across the sky
weaving clouds on her sky-loom
singing prayers
Q. Why has the morning kept some dewdrops in reserve?

so Corinna can wear them as jewelry
so Corinna can drink them with breakfast
so Corinna can use them to wash her face
so Corinna can slide down the hill and get a-Maying even faster
Q. Why is each village porch "an ark, a tabernacle" (34)?

they're decorated with religious pictures to give honor to God
they're decorated with flowering branches to celebrate the spring
they contain two of every animal
they've been swept clean and scrubbed well
Q. What is a "green-gown" (51)?

a metaphor for the new green leaves that appear in May
a dress given to a young woman to signify an engagement
a dress that's embroidered with green and gold thread
a dress whose back is stained green from lying on the grass
Q. How does the final stanza fit into the carpe diem tradition?

it urges Corinna to seize the day and have fun
it urges Corinna to stay in bed and get a good rest
it urges Corinna to become more religious
it urges Corinna to improve her homemaking skills