Coriolanus: Act 1, Scene 7 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 1, Scene 7 of Coriolanus from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Titus Lartius, having set a guard upon Corioles, going
with Drum and Trumpet toward Cominius and Caius
Martius, enters with a Lieutenant, other Soldiers,
and a Scout.

Outside the gates of Corioles, Titus Lartius and a bunch of Roman soldiers have stayed behind to guard the city they've just sacked.

So, let the ports be guarded. Keep your duties
As I have set them down. If I do send, dispatch
Those centuries to our aid; the rest will serve
For a short holding. If we lose the field,
We cannot keep the town. 5

LIEUTENANT Fear not our care, sir.

LARTIUS Hence, and shut your gates upon ’s.
(To the Scout.) Our guider, come. To th’ Roman
camp conduct us.

They exit, the Lieutenant one way, Lartius another.

Shakespeare ups the dramatic tension by letting us know that if Caius Martius and his troops lose the battle in the field, there's no way Rome can keep the city....