Love Interest

Love Interest

Character Role Analysis

Adam, Brendan, Chase

Geesh, how many guys can a girl end up with in one book? While Adam is Kristina's summer fling at her dad's place and quickly disappears from the story once she's back in Nevada, Brendan and Chase remain in the story in one way or another longer term and have a huge impact on Kristina's life and sense of self. You know that romantic conquests are a huge part of this book when there are scenes where Kristina actually meets up with Chase and Brendan on the same day. Dang, girl.

So why are love interests such important characters in Kristina's story? We're thinking it has something to do with Kristina's repeated attempts to find satisfaction in all the wrong things. While drugs are a huge part of her attempt to reinvent herself, sex, especially with Chase, becomes another major element of her new identity and another poor source of happiness.