Crank Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Crank? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Kristina go to visit her dad?

Because of a court order
Because her mom encourages it
Because her mom encourages it
To see the wondrous sights of Albuquerque, New Mexico
Q. How does Kristina initially respond to Adam?

She tries to get him up to her dad's apartment.
She thinks he isn't her type.
She tries to break up him and Lince.
She stalks him.
Q. Things take a turn for the worst in Kristina's journey with the monster when what happens?

Brendan rapes Kristina.
Kristina's mom kicks her out of the house.
Kristina gets Sarah hooked on the monster.
Kristina gets arrested for drug possession.
Q. What about her family situation plays a role in Kristina's relationship with crank?

She has a bad relationship with her sister.
She feels abandoned by her parents.
Scott and her mom are getting divorced.
She's an only child and spends a lot of time alone.
Q. What does Kristina ultimately decide to do after she finds out she's pregnant?

Have an abortion
Give the baby up for adoption
Give birth to the child and raise him
Give the baby to her dad