Tools of Characterization

Tools of Characterization

Characterization in Crash


In a movie not exactly known for its subtlety, the characters are rather subtly named. John Ryan has the most basic name in the movie, making him an "everyman" type of character—if every man harbored deep racist ideologies, as this movie sort of believes every man does.

Cameron and Christine Thayer are given names that show their status. You don't get much more born-with-a-silver-spoon than you do with the name "Cameron." And the insurance agent "Shaniqua" shows us how much certain people look down on people named Shaniqua, as if she chose that name herself.


The characters of Crash show their economic status through their homes. Christine and Cameron live in a lavish apartment. Jean and Rick live in a palatial mansion.

Detective Waters, on the other hand, is more working class. We only see his bedroom, and it's not that big. We also see his mom's teeny apartment—you can see her fridge from the couch. These details show us that Waters grew up in poverty and worked his way up.

Speech and Dialog

Everyone in Crash argues. Everyone. And these people rarely listen to one another. Farhad argues with the gun clerk. Farhad argues with Ruiz. Jean Cabot argues with her husband. Anthony argues with Peter. Peter argues with Hanson. Christine and Cameron argue with each other. Cameron argues with Anthony. Ryan argues with Shaniqua Johnson. Hanson argue with Cameron. Dorri argues with her father. Waters argues with Ria. Waters argues with Flanagan.

Basically, folks, what we've got here is a failure to communicate.