Crash Mike Deluca Quotes

Mike Deluca

Quote 1

Mike grinned. "You're just jealous, 'cause you like her."

I laughed. "Me? You're crazier than crazy. Why would I like that stuck-up bimbo?" I laughed some more. (16.5-16.6)

Though you might not know it from the "stuck-up bimbo" comment, Crash really does like Jane Forbes. And no one thinks she's a bimbo; that's just a really nice way that Crash and his friend have of talking about girls. Yikes. Why do you think they need to put her down even though they both want to pursue her?

"I'm a vegetarian."

"Since when?"

Mike sneered. "Since she started hanging out with Little Miss Webb." (16.10-16.12)

When Penn becomes a cheerleader, Mike starts calling him "Little Miss Webb." Man, these guys have some gender issues. Penn, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care about the "theater of manliness" that Crash and Mike seem so obsessed with.

"You're really acting weird."

I felt my neck getting warm. "What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. You're just acting different. Like when I said let's trick Webb, you told me you weren't interested." (36.16-36.18)

Even though Crash feels like Mike is doing something wrong, he still worries about getting his approval. He cares a lot about what other people think. Why do you think that is?