Dangerous Astronomy Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Ever thought bookish writers can't be into stuff like sports? Think again. Sherman Alexie is an avid fan of basketball, particularly the Seattle Sonics. In fact, he even testified during a trial to try and keep the Sonics in Seattle. Unfortunately, he failed, but here's a great list of quotes from his testimony.

Want to read a banned book? Sherman's your guy. His National Book Award winning young adult novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, was banned and challenged for inappropriate content all over the place—even in Alexie's home state.

What do you do when you get tired of writing award winning poems and stories? You make a movie about one of your stories, that's what. And yeah, that'll win an award at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival, like Alexie's famous flick, Smoke Signals.