Les Liaisons dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons) Part 2, Letters 61-65 Summary

Letter 61: Cécile de Volanges to Sophie Carney

  • Ah, here we are. Cécile's mother knows all.
  • She had asked her daughter for the key to Cécile's writing desk and found the letters.
  • Oops. PIR.
  • Seeing her mother reading these, Cécile faints.
  • She suspects the maid has betrayed her secrets.
  • As you can imagine, she's in a total panic.

Letter 62: Madame de Volanges to the Chevalier Danceny

  • This would be the disapproving mother letter.
  • Madame de Volanges writes to Danceny that he's betrayed her trust.
  • She returns his letters to her daughter and wants her letters to him in exchange.
  • Oh, and he's banned from their home. He should just forget everything that happened.
  • Yeah, okay then. We see why he's so desperate.

Letter 63: The Marquise de Merteuil to the Vicomte de Valmont

  • Turns out that the Marquise is the cause of the young couple's trouble.
  • Wanting to give Danceny obstacles so that he'll redouble his efforts to romance Cécile, the Marquise gives Madame de Volanges info on the secret relationship.
  • She convinces Volanges to send Cécile to her for guidance.
  • Of course, as soon as she talks to Cécile, she encourages her crush on Danceny.
  • It's a win-win. For the Marquise, anyway. She admits that she's being a little malicious, but she has to find something to amuse her.
  • She congratulates herself on having gained both the mother and daughter's confidence in her.
  • So here's the plan: to satisfy Madame de Volanges, Cécile is to go stay with Madame de Rosemonde at her country home.
  • Valmont is to tell Danceny about this and offer his help in arranging a meeting with Cécile.
  • Bonus: Valmont will accompany Danceny to the country and get to see Tourvel again.
  • Double Bonus: The Marquise managed to blame the priest/confessor for telling Madame de Volanges about the secret letters.

Letter 64: The Chevalier Danceny to Madame de Volanges (draft enclosed with Letter 66, from the Vicomte to the Marquise)

  • Danceny responds to Madame de Volanges' letter to him.
  • Rather than be apologetic, he suggests that her demand that he stay away from her house will just cause gossip.
  • If he's allowed to visit from time to time, he says he won't take advantage of the occasions to sneak off with Cécile.
  • He won't return the letters because Madame de Volanges learned of their correspondence not from Cécile but from someone else.

Letter 65: The Chevalier Danceny to Cécile de Volanges (sent unsealed to the Marquise de Merteuil with Letter 66 from the Vicomte)

  • Danceny asks Cécile if she knows who betrayed them and if she was too indiscreet.
  • He asks for her approval of the letter he's sending to her mother.
  • He says that Valmont is to be their guardian angel and all their correspondence should go through him. He asks her to put her trust in Valmont, who has been so helpful to him in matters of the heart.