Karou Timeline & Summary


Karou Timeline & Summary

  • When not going to art school, Karou gathers teeth for Brimstone, the Wishmonger, who lives in another dimension or something.
  • On one of these errands, she gets attacked by a seraphim—an angel with flaming wings and really, really sharp swords.
  • The two battle, and Karou escapes with a few injuries.
  • While she's recovering, she sneaks through a door in Brimstone's shop and ends up in his world, the world of the chimaera.
  • There, she almost gets killed by a big wolfman named Thiago, but Brimstone rescues her... only to get really angry at how stupid her decision was to sneak through the portal.
  • So, he chucks her out of his shop.
  • Bleeding and broken, Karou decides to tell Zuzana the truth about her life.
  • Zuzana doesn't believe her, but Kishmish, Brimstone's messenger, shows up and conveniently dies in Karou's arms. Now Zuzana believes her.
  • Karou discovers that all of Brimstone's doors are closed for business. Permanently. But she's determined to get back to him by flying through a portal in the sky to the Elsewhere.
  • This plan is delayed by the angel, whose name is Akiva. But he doesn't want to kill her this time, really, he just wants to talk.
  • They talk, and Akiva notices a wishbone around Karou's neck.
  • It belonged to Brimstone, and was brought to her when Kismish died. When he sees this wishbone, he says he knows who Karou is.
  • Together, they break the wishbone, and all of Kaoru's memories come back.
  • She is Madrigal, Akiva's lover who was executed in her past life, and she has been reborn as Karou. Great.
  • Identity crisis solved. Happy ending.
  • Wait. No. Akiva has something else to confess: he killed Brimstone in order to stop the war between the seraphim and the chimaera.
  • Karou is not pleased.
  • She decides to fly through the portal and.... we don't know yet.
  • Grab the sequel and find out, Shmoopers.
  • Then please, please tell us what happens.