Love Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"When an essential [penis] comes along, you'll know." (3.36)

Brimstone equates sex with love, as in, Karou should wait for her one true love before she gives up her virginity. Later, we learn that the chimaera aren't puritanical about sex. Why does Brimstone have these values, while other chimaera do not?

Quote #2

Of all the things in the world, that was [Karou's] orphan's craving: love. (3.39)

Karou doesn't just crave romantic love, although that's a big part of it. She just wants to be accepted.

Quote #3

"I came back to find you," Akiva said. "I don't know why. Karou. Karou. I don't know why. [...] Just to find you and be in the world that you're in..." (30.87)

Akiva and Karou have an almost literal soulmate thing going on. He's drawn to her because she's his long-lost love reincarnated. How would you feel if you were in Karou's shoes, thrown into this pre-destined love story?