Death and the King's Horseman Primitiveness Quotes

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Quote #1

What do you mean you don't know? It's only two years since your conversion. Don't tell me all that holy water nonsense also wiped out your tribal memory. (2.109)

Simon's reference to some kind of "tribal memory" when he's pumping Joseph for information about the Yoruba rituals makes him sound pretty out of touch with the indigenous population. He's making up random terms to describe their experiences and memories and how they understand them. And nothing says respect quite like calling someone's beliefs nonsense. Oh wait…

Quote #2

I don't have to stop anything. If they want to throw themselves off the top of a cliff or poison themselves for the sake of some barbaric custom what is that to me? If it were ritual murder or something like that I'd be duty bound to do something. I can't keep an eye on all the potential suicides in this province. And as for that man—believe me, it's good riddance. (2.128)

At first, Simon doesn't really want to interfere with Elesin's suicide ritual. As you can see here, however, it's not like he actually makes any effort to understand the tradition and instead simply views it as "barbaric."

Quote #3

Oh, I beg your pardon officers. You do look a little… I say, isn't there something missing in their uniform? I think they used to have some rather colourful sashes. If I remember rightly I recommended them myself in my young days in the service. A bit of colour always appeals to the natives, yes, I remember putting that in my report. Well well well, where are we? Make your report man. (3.27)

The Resident is holding forth on how to appeal to the "natives" by making some adjustments to their police uniforms. His thoughts don't necessarily seem to have a lot of, er, depth.