The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America Part III, Chapter 5 Summary

Modus Operandi

  • Here's where things get scary, so grab your lucky stuffed animal.
  • Women in Holmes' employment begin to disappear: first a waitress, then a stenographer. And the hotel constantly smells like chemicals and gas.
  • The police are never involved.
  • Unlike London's Jack the Ripper, Holmes doesn't kill face to face. "But he did like proximity" (3.5.4).
  • Holmes' vault stifles cries and pounding. He also fills rooms with gas while guests sleep, and slips into rooms to press chloroform-soaked rags to guests' faces.
  • "The choice was his, a measure of his power" (3.5.4).
  • He continues to send cadavers to Chappell, having decided long ago not to keep trophies of his kills.
  • Okay, we're done. You can stop squeezing Mr. Whiskers.