Rocinante and Dapple Timeline and Summary


Rocinante and Dapple Timeline and Summary

  • When Don Quixote decides to saddle up and ride off to adventure, the first thing he does is give his horse the new name of Rocinante.
  • Don Quixote always makes sure that Rocinante gets the best care possible at whatever inn or "castle" he thinks he's staying at.
  • At one point, Rocinante sees some female horses hanging out in a nearby field and tries to get frisky with them. But the horses kick him and their owners beat him into the ground. Don Quixote tries to come to his aid, but the people beat him up, too.
  • Later on, a famous thief named Ginés de Passamonte steals Dapple from Sancho. Sancho is absolutely heartbroken for the loss.
  • A little while later, Sancho and Don Quixote run into Passamonte on the road. The dude jumps off of Dapple and runs away, leaving Sancho to have a touching reunion with his beloved donkey.
  • In Part 2 of the book, an actor dressed like a clown steals Dapple while Sancho is trying to help Don Quixote with Rocinante. He quickly gives the donkey back once he's had his fun.
  • Poor Rocinante and Dapple get caught with Don Quixote and Sancho in a bull stampede. Luckily, no one seems to be too hurt.