Everything That Rises Must Converge Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

He walked along, saturated in depression, as if in the midst of his martyrdom he had lost his faith. (10)

We don't know about you, but we think Julian is about as close to martyrdom as he is to Venice. To make matters worse, he blames everything on his mother.

Quote #2

"I'm going back to the house and take this [hat] off and tomorrow I'm going to return it […] I can pay the gas bill with that seven-fifty." (10)

Buyer's remorse alert! Julian's mother, forever the realist, is about as indecisive about her fashion purchase as we are about Jacob vs. Edward.

Quote #3

"They were in reduced circumstances," she said, "but reduced or not, they never forgot who they were." (30)

Oh, hey, we just noticed this: Julian's family is in "reduced" circumstances, and his mom has to go to a "reducing" class. Is O'Connor saying something about the twentieth century? The 1960s? White America?