Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis

Direct Characterization

Let's say you're in a coffee shop, trying to get to know a new friend. What do you do? Tell them about yourself, of course—and that's exactly what Vahan does with us. Instead of keeping us guessing, Vahan lays it all out on the table. For instance, he comes right out and tells us:

I was small for my age, stocky and strongly built, with curly brown hair, excellent posture, a firm handshake, and a brisk, determined stride. (1.4)

Now we know it seems like he's just describing what he looks like, but actually, there's a lot more packed into that sentence. See how he tells us he's got a "determined" walk and "firm handshake"? This makes us think of him as direct and blunt, despite his small size. Vahan makes it easy for us to get to know him—and the people he encounters—throughout the book.


Horrible stuff happens to Vahan and his family, so it's important for us to understand that actions speak louder than words when it comes to the characters in this novel. When the soldiers come to Vahan's house, Armenouhi gets scared and takes poison—his sister would rather choose to die than get raped or beaten, whereas Vahan is more inclined to run (and then run some more) when faced with terrible prospects. Armenouhi isn't optimistic about her future, so she opts to end it by her own hand, but Vahan has enough hope to think there's something worth running for.

The novel never tells us which is better or worse, especially since Vahan has nightmares about what's happened for the rest of his life, but we do get insights into characters from the way they act when trouble comes knocking.