The French & Indian War Images

The French & Indian War Images

Young Colonel Washington

George Washington as a colonel in the Virginia Regiment, by Charles Willson Peale, 1772.

Louis Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm

The commander of French forces, after 1756, in the French and Indian War.

The Death of General Wolfe

Benjamin West's portrait of the hero of Quebec. Painted in 1770, this work broke with the conventions of historical painting in its use of a contemporary subject and contemporary costume.

Early West

Benjamin West's, Agrippina with the Ashes of Germanicus at Brundisium, painted in 1768, reflects the more conventional approach to historical painting in its use of classical, rather than contemporary subject matter.

West Paints Another Dead Hero

The Death of Lord Nelson, by Benjamin West, 1806.

Benjamin West

West painted this self portrait in 1770.

British PR

The Charity of General Amherst romantically depicts the British general feeding the frightened French Canadians of Montreal. This is the same general who authorized the distribution of smallpox-contaminated blankets to rebelling North American Indians in 1763. By Francis Hayman, 1761.