Frost at Midnight Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Frost at Midnight? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What image appears at the very beginning and very end of the poem?

clouds being torn apart by raging winds
shadows of mountains
quivering Jello
Q. What does Coleridge call Nature?

God's "flea market"
God's "magical treasure chest"
God's "eternal language"
God's "vast canvas of dream"
Q. What does Coleridge describe the clouds doing?

reflecting shapes from the earth
playing games with one another
tearing apart in ferocious winds
farting thunder
Q. What are the icicles doing at the end of the poem?

reflecting moonlight back to the moon
falling to the ground and shattering
reflecting Coleridge's face back to him
being broken into ice cubes for a cold Dr. Pepper
Q. The "stranger" or fluttering film of soot in Coleridge's fireplace (not the schoolhouse one, the one in his cottage) reminds him of what?

a lonely figure stranded in the night
his favorite collectible Batman mug
his own mind, with its thoughts
a miraculous event from centuries ago