The Garden of Forking Paths Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Then I reflected that all things happen, happen to one, precisely now. Century follows century, and things happen only in the present. (4)

Huh. That's an interesting theory. If Yu Tsun thinks of himself as living in a constant present, does that mean he doesn't need to think about the consequences of his actions?

Quote #2

I thought of a maze of mazes, of a sinuous, ever growing maze which would take in both past and future and would somehow involve the stars. (19)

The maze that Yu Tsun envisions starts off as spatial (related to space) and becomes temporal (related to time). It seems he's primed to understand Dr. Albert's interpretation of Ts'ui Pen's novel.

Quote #3

For an undetermined period of time I felt myself cut off from the world, an abstract spectator.... Going down the gently sloping road I could not feel fatigue. The evening was at once intimate and infinite. (20)

Wandering through the maze of paths that lead to Dr. Albert's house, Yu Tsun loses his sense of time. The maze seems to represent an infinite space in which time stands still.