Go Down, Moses Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.[Part].Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Uncle Buddy didn't own a necktie at all; Uncle Buck said Uncle Buddy wouldn't take that chance even in a section like theirs, where ladies were so damn seldom thank God that a man could ride for days in a straight line without having to dodge a single one. (1.2.5)

Of course, this is supposed to be humorous, but it's humorous because it gets to the heart of how these men see women: as something to avoid if you can help it. Sophonsiba fulfills the stereotype that women are out to land a man at any cost, so watch out.

Quote #2

[Tomey's Turl said,] "I gonter tell you something to remember: anytime you wants to git something done, from hoeing out a crop to getting married, just get the womenfolks to working at it. Then all you needs to do is set down and wait. You remember that." (1.2.24)

Pearls of wisdom from Turl to the young'uns: If you need anything taken care of, get the ladies to do it. Here, we get two stereotypes in one: blacks are lazy, and women will do stupidly whatever you tell them.

Quote #3

[Mr. Hubert said,] "You come into bear-country of your own free will and accord. All right; you were a grown man and you knew it was bear-country and you knew the way back out like you knew the way in and you had your chance to take it. But no. You had to crawl into the den and lay down by the bear. And whether you did or didn't know the bear was in it dont make any difference. So if you got back out of that den without even a claw-mark on you, I would not only be unreasonable, I'd be a damned fool. After all, I'd like a little peace and quiet and freedom myself, now I got a chance for it. Yes sir. " (1.3.12)

Hubert Beauchamp's referring to his own sister here as "a bear." If you come close to bears, you'll have to accept the consequences. Hubert can't wait to get rid of the responsibility for her. Poor Sibbey—nobody seems to want her. But she gets her revenge.