Gone Girl Chapter 42 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Amy Elliott Dunne—Nine Days Gone

  • While Nick's getting ready for his big small screen debut, let's check in with Amy and see how she's doing after being robbed. As it turns out, not too well—she's parked in front of a fast food restaurant on the banks of the Mississippi feeling sorry for herself and struggling to contemplate her next move.
  • She can't go to sleep, no matter how much she wants to, since she figures she'll either get disturbed by a serial killer or a cop who wants to see her license. Both would obviously be disastrous. She also has less than a quarter tank of gas, meaning that she can only drive about an hour in any direction. No matter where she goes, the Mississippi River is following her. Kind of the opposite of what she had planned for Nick, with that whole bit about him following the river up, up, up and all.
  • Something about this thought flips a switch in her head, and she immediately knows what to do. Uh oh—Amy's thinking again. There's no way this can be good.