Henry Hill (Ray Liotta)’s Timeline and Summary

Henry Hill (Ray Liotta)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Henry gets a part-time job at a cabstand run by local gangsters, then quits school to work there full-time.
  • After getting pinched selling stolen cigarettes, Henry keeps mum on the witness stand and is celebrated by his mafia family.
  • Henry and Tommy hijack a truck at Idlewild Airport and burn down the Bamboo Lounge for Paulie.
  • Having stood her up on their second date, Henry takes Karen to the Copacabana and wins her over.
  • Henry and Tommy pull off the Air France heist.
  • Mazel tov! Henry and Karen get married.
  • Henry and Tommy hijack another truck.
  • Along with Jimmy, Henry helps Tommy bury Billy Batts' body.
  • Henry picks up a girlfriend, Janice.
  • A barfing Henry helps Jimmy and Tommy move Billy Batts' body.
  • After she suspects him of cheating, Karen has a massive fight with Henry.
  • Henry goes to jail for four years after roughing up a dude in Tampa.
  • In the slammer, Henry starts running drugs to bring in more dough for Karen and the kids.
  • Henry takes part in the Lufthansa heist.
  • Henry fails to talk Jimmy out of whacking Morrie.
  • Henry, with Lois, gets busted by the narcs in his driveway.
  • Fearing that he'll be killed, Henry rats out Jimmy and Paulie and enters the Witness Protection Program.