Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Theme of Memory and the Past

The past has a funny way of catching up to us. Order of the Phoenix is filled with all kinds of call to days gone by. Sirius is trapped in the house he grew up in. Voldemort is looking for a prophecy that will tell him why he couldn't kill a little baby all those years ago. And Harry is slowly finding out that his dad wasn't the harmless, fun-loving marauder he always imagined him to be.

Thought the past would stay buried? Think again.

Questions about Memory and the Past

  1. Sirius hates his pure-blood family and has only fond memories of James Potter. Do you think his memories are accurate? Or are his thoughts colored by the fact that so much time has passed?
  2. How does Neville's past haunt him? Do you think Neville's situation is "better" or "worse" than Harry's? Why or why not?
  3. Harry and Sirius talk about the past and the choices we make. Does our past determine who we are? Or are we free to choose are our own path?

Chew on This

Take a peek at these thesis statements. Agree or disagree?

Sirius sees his relationship with Harry as a continuation of his friendship with James. If Sirius had survived he probably wouldn't have made a good parental figure for Harry in the long run.

Harry has spent four movies idolizing his parents and their memory. When he finds out that his father bullied Snape he has to admit that his least favorite professor might actually be right not to like his dad.