Havisham Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Havisham? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who does Miss H blame for what has happened?

Her ex fiancé
She doesn't know who to blame
The woman her fiancé left her for
Q. What is the first sentence of the poem?

"Beloved sweetheart bastard"
"Hate behind a white veil"
"Ropes on the back of my hands"
Q. What metaphor does Miss H use for love?

A foul-smelling wedding dress
A rotten wedding cake
A cheating man
A red balloon popping in her face
Q. What does Miss H "caw" at the wall?

"I don't need you!"
Q. What piece of wedding paraphernalia don't we see?

Wedding dress
Wedding cake
Guest list
Idealized honeymoon