The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Visions of America: The South Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Another picture was called "Boiler Busts in Factory," and men were jumping out of windows and running while a knot of kids in overalls stood scrouged together, holding the buckets of dinner they had brought to their Daddies. (1.3.64)

Mick's paintings are vivid, violent and a bit disturbing. All deal with themes of destruction, death, and social anarchy. The picture here gives a strong sense of Mick's blue-collar setting, where factories are the main employers in town.

Quote #2

"I suppose you done read in the paper about the Government Pincher business for old folks?"

Doctor Copeland nodded. "Pension," he said. (1.5.46-47)

This book isn't a laugh a minute, but it has its funny moments. McCullers's uses a pun here by referring to pensions, or retirement money for the elderly – social security, as "pinchers," which is probably how a lot of taxpayers felt about it when FDR passed it during the Depression. Many felt that these large government programs were a strain on their already thin wallets.

Quote #3

Once she had written to Jeanette MacDonald and had got a typewritten letter back saying that if ever she came out to Hollywood she could come by and swim in her swimming pool. And ever since that swimming pool had been preying on Etta's mind. (1.3.48)

Etta's obsession with Hollywood and its celebrities (like Jeanette MacDonald)
is nothing new, but it does give us insight into the era. 1939 was smack dab in the middle of the Golden Age of Hollywood and movies were one the primary sources of entertainment for anyone who could afford to drop a dime or two on a ticket.