Charles the Dauphin Timeline and Summary


Charles the Dauphin Timeline and Summary

  • Charles isn't on stage in this scene, but he makes a splash anyway. News comes to the mourning English nobles that Charles has rebelled against the English, taken back most of the big cities, and gotten himself crowned king in Reims.
  • This scene is major ups and down for Charles. He starts out happy that the French are conquering so much, gets all down when they fail to take Orleans, then gets happy again when Joan of Arc turns up to help the French. Incidentally, he also decides he's in love with Joan, but she declines when he asks her out.
  • Charles is feeling super great about his decision to let Joan lead in battle. They've taken back Orleans, and he chivalrously (and accurately) gives her the credit.
  • Oops… The English have snuck up on the French after their victory banquet and kicked them out of Orleans again. Looks like Charles and the French aristocracy ran away. Not their finest hour. Charles is annoyed with Joan for not preventing this, but calms down when she reasons with him.
  • Charles is happy because Joan helps the French take Rouen so he's talking smack to Burgundy and the English. Oops again… The English retake Rouen, too.
  • Charles is hopeful because Joan has managed to convince Burgundy to join the French side.
  • The French kill Talbot in battle, and Charles says the French will now win everything.
  • Charles agrees to peace with England.