Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis


We're talking about a symbolic journey here—so, so much symbolism—and because it's a universal story, the characterization of each of the figures is pretty fluid. Luke Skywalker doesn't act like Robin Hood, who doesn't act like Gilgamesh, who doesn't act like Dorothy Gale or Katniss Everdeen.

The same holds true for obstacle villains like Darth Vader or The Wicked Witch of the West, or helpful figures like Merlin of Gandalf. Sometimes they can be similar in appearance or outlook—who made the rule that all mentors need beards, anyway?—but those details are pretty fluid, depending on the particular story.

The details vary, but the core actions remain the same. The hero figure always embarks upon a quest in the unknown, for example, and faces challenges that improve his skills. The mentor provides guidance along the way, and often appears as something other than he is when the hero first meets him. Their actions and the way they behave can show us what part they play in this ever-changing, never-ending drama.


With Campbell, the outside world and the inside world are both at play. The monsters the hero faces stem from his or her own fears, the rewards reflect feelings of happiness and bliss. The hero's ultimate boon comes not in shiny gold or magic swords (or even the occasional snazzy green lightsaber), but with understanding and enlightenment.

So thoughts—the hero's thoughts and the way other figures reflect those thoughts—are just as much a way of reflecting the character as actions are.


The Hero's Journey takes place across the whole dang universe, which means it can be anywhere and everywhere.

We know, this all sounds very vague and slightly hippie-dippy. But this isn't your weird aunt who's super into crystals talking: it's crazy-smart Campbell.

Again, though, it's a reflection of the hero's mental state, so the nature of the location can also be a reflection of character. If he feels safe and fulfilled, he must be with the mother-goddess at the World Navel…while if he feels vulnerable and scared, he's probably in a dark cave, a haunted forest, or in Walmart on Black Friday.