Herzog Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His achievements were not only scholarly but sexual. And were those achievements? It was his pride that must be satisfied. His flesh got what was left over. (1.66)

Herzog knows that whether it's career or sex, everything he does is meant to satisfy his pride. Sure, he gets physical pleasure from sex, but that's only secondary to the pride he feels when he looks at sex as an achievement or a goal.

Quote #2

"You know you're a good-looking man. And you even take pride in being one. In Argentina they'd call you macho—masculine." (1.97)

There's no point in Herzog trying to pretend he's modest. Ramona can see right through him, and she knows that he takes way more pride in being attractive than he'd ever let on.

Quote #3

He remembered how much pleasure it gave Madeleine to try on clothes in shops and how much heart and pride there was in her when she looked at herself, touching, adjusting, her face glowing but severe, too, with the great blue eyes, the vivid bangs, the medallion profile. (1.134)

If Madeleine has one defining feature in Herzog's mind, it's her pride. But it's tough to know how much of this is the real Madeleine and how much is just Herzog projecting onto her. After all, Herzog's a pretty proud guy himself. It wouldn't be crazy to think that he's projecting all his own baggage onto the woman who hurt him.