His Girl Friday Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

WALTER: Tell him if he'll reprieve Earl Williams, we'll support him for senator. Tell him the Morning Post will be behind him hook, line, and sinker.

Walter is offering to sell the paper's endorsement to the governor for political backing. That's bribery; the same crime that Walter nails the Mayor for at the end of the film. Why is Walter better than the Mayor? (Probably because he's played by Cary Grant.)

Quote #2

WALTER: It was a coloured policeman. You know what that means.

Walter is arguing that black voters will demand that Williams be executed. But the point he's making is also that black policeman, and black voters, encourage corruption and injustice. Black people faced tons of discrimination and prejudice in the 1940s. And His Girl Friday not only reflected the attitudes of its time, but also contributed to them.

Quote #3

HILDY: Look Walter, you get the interview with Earl Williams. Print Egelhoffer's statement. And right alongside of it—you know, double column—run your interview. Alienist says he's sane. Interview shows he's goofy.

WALTER: Aw Hildy, you can do it. You could save that poor devil's life.

Walter appeals to Hildy's instincts for justice… maybe. Actually, the appeal mostly works on Bruce. Hildy is only swayed when Walter offers money. (She and Walter are quite a bit alike.)