Horton Hatches the Egg Theme of Transformation

"Bird egg hatches, elephant-bird flies out." No, this isn't the latest Enquirer headline, it's just Seussville. Your little ones might have some questions about what egg-hatching is all about, especially because of the not-so-regular situation we encounter in Horton Hatches the Egg. One suggestion: show them the real thing. Just be careful. This might lead to some tough-to-answer questions about the birds and the elephants.

Questions and Answers

Questions the little ones might ask and how you might respond

Q: If I sit on an egg, will the bird that comes out look like me?
A: We're pretty sure the elephant-bird looks like Horton because Horton loves it so much. So maybe if you really loved the egg, it would look like you.

Q: Did Horton put the elephant-bird in Mayzie's egg?
A: How would he have done that? Do you see any superglue marks on the egg?

Q: Will the elephant-bird get any bigger?
A: Maybe, but some things are just cute forever.