Exile Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I saw myself now at the bottom of a deep shaft or walled into a cramped tomb. (15.12)

When the humans capture Wanderer, they immediately put her into solitary confinement. The aliens have forced them into a hole underground, and by goodness the humans are going to do the same thing to Wanda!

Quote #2

We're fugitives, an endangered species. (16.56)

Living in a cave, the humans are having to live like they did in caveman days: afraid of predators. Except now it isn't mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers; it's aliens wearing their bodies. That's a lot scarier than a cuddly mammoth. At least you can eat the mammoth.

Quote #3

"With no hiding place, we're all dead, right?" (17.5)

When living in imposed exile, a good hiding place is a must. Even better if it comes stocked with Cheetos and Keebler fudge cookies.