Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer Quotes

Tom Sawyer

Quote 1

"They hain't no RIGHT to shut him up! SHOVE!—and don't you lose a minute. Turn him loose! He ain't no slave; he's as free as any cretur that walks this earth!" (42.45)

Oh, Tom. Tom has no problem tricking Jim into staying locked up just to have a bit of fun, but once someone tries to take him back into slavery he get all outraged. Seems like even Tom can't see Jim as a real person.

Tom Sawyer

Quote 2

"It don't make no difference how foolish it is, it's the RIGHT way—and it's the regular way. And there ain't no OTHER way, that ever I heard of, and I've read all the books that gives any information about these things. They always dig out with a case-knife—and not through dirt, mind you; generly it's through solid rock. And it takes them weeks and weeks and weeks, and for ever and ever. Why, look at one of them prisoners in the bottom dungeon of the Castle Deef, in the harbor of Marseilles, that dug himself out that way; how long was HE at it, you reckon? (35.56)

Oh, Tom. It may be easy to follow the rules when it's just a game, but it's a lot harder when you actually feel like you life is at stake. We're getting the feeling that Twain doesn't think too much of kids who read too much (or play too many video games?).

Tom Sawyer

Quote 3

"Now, we'll start this band of robbers and call it Tom Sawyer's Gang. Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood." (2.10)

Tom has some pretty intense ideas about friendship, too—like the idea that you have to swear your loyalty to your friends in blood. Oh, and offer up your family as collateral.