Hush, Hush Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hush, Hush? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Vee give Nora to wear to go undercover at the restaurant where Patch works?

A trench coat and hat
Hospital scrubs
A waitress's uniform
A tube top, stilettos, and a miniskirt
Q. Which of the following is one of Vee's quirks?

She's always chewing gum.
She does a mean Wilson Phillips impression.
She's on the color-wheel fruit diet.
She has a knack for accents.
Q. What does Vee do to keep Nora from getting caught while breaking into the student record's office?

She calls in a bomb threat.
She loans Nora her cloak of invisibility.
She fakes a seizure.
She pulls the fire alarm.
Q. Why is Vee attacked while out shopping with Nora?

Because she is stealing
Because she calls mean-girl Marcie Millar a rude name
Because she insults Elliot
Because she disguises herself in Nora's jacket
Q. Where do Jules and Elliot want to take Nora and Vee for spring break?

To Daytona Beach
To Delphic Seaport