I Am the Cheese Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"[...] And you don't even know who to trust anymore. Do you know who the bad guys are?" [...] "Of course you don't. Because you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore. Nobody knows these days. Nobody." (3.19-21)

The old man at the service station foreshadows some similar advice that Adam's mom will give him later on. When it's said here, in Chapter 3, it seems like crazy paranoia; when Adam's mom says it (in regard to her "Never Knows"), it hits home.

Quote #2

Adam was amazed at his ability to lie, the way his mind had been quick to invent a new set of circumstances for himself and his parents. But he wondered why? Why is it necessary to lie? (10.43)

Is there ever a time when it's necessary to lie? Is lying ever okay?

Quote #3

I have a feeling you already know about them. I have a feeling you know everything, even my blank spots. (13.6)

When does Adam first become suspicious of Brint? Why does he continue to rehash his memories to Brint if he doesn't trust him?