In Cold Blood Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

." . . my first thought was Bonnie. Course it was silly, but we didn't know the facts, and a lot of people thought maybe, on account of her spells." (1.256).

This shows a lack of understanding of Mrs. Clutter's depression. She would probably have been more likely to hurt herself than her family. Still, people fear what they don't understand.

Quote #2

I was exploring the emotional background. I thought the answer might be another woman—a triangle. Well, consider: Mr. Clutter was a fairly young, very healthy man, but his wife, she was a semi-invalid, she slept in a separate room […] (2.18)

You'd call this a "crime of passion." Agent Nye hates to suggest it, but he has to consider it. They have to explore all the possibilities. This was the same reason they had to interrogate Bobby Rupp. Maybe he lost it over Herb's meddling in his relationship with Nancy.

Quote #3

Church's lead was of a similar nature. He too, had heard of someone admittedly hostile to Mr. Clutter: a certain Mr. Smith […] who believed that the squire of River Valley Farm had shot and killed Smith's hunting dog. (1.25)

Would you slaughter a family because you suspected that someone killed your dog? Most of the investigators suspected that the family was killed by someone angry with Herb Clutter about something. But a dog?