Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Scene 3 Summary

  • Indiana—or we suppose we should say Dr. Jones—is in his classroom at the university, teaching. He dispels myths about archaeology. His students seem into it—especially the ladies—even though he's basically telling them that being an archaeologist means living in the library—and that X never, ever marks the spot.
  • Class ends. Indiana tells his students that he's holding office hours for the next 90 minutes, and as they shuffle out, Marcus Brody strolls in. Indiana shows him the Cross of Coronado, and Brody tells him it'll find a place of honor in their Spanish collection.
  • Indiana rolls into the lobby of his office to find it overrun with students, all of whom seem desperate to talk to him. He tells them to zip it, and his secretary Irene relays a bunch of messages and reminds him that he hasn't done any grading in, like, forever.
  • Indiana tells Irene to have everybody put their name on a list, and he'll see them in turn. Then he disappears into his office, which looks like storage room. The students are literally beating on his door.
  • Indiana picks up a package from Venice, Italy, from his desk, sets it back down, and decides to climb out the window. Two shady dudes in a car watch from afar.
  • As Indiana walks away from campus, the shadymobile follows. The men get out and address him as Dr. Jones. This can't be good.
  • Cut to Indiana in a swanky sitting room that definitely isn't on campus. (Okay, maybe it can be good?)
  • A man in a tuxedo enters from the other room, where there appears to be quite the party going on. He introduces himself as Walter Donovan. Indiana already knows who he is because he's made some generous contributions to the museum, and we've established that Indiana loves museums.
  • Indiana compliments Donovan on his collection, and Donovan says "a passion for antiquities" is something they both share.
  • Donovan says he has something we wants to show Indiana, and it's half a slab of mid 12th-century sandstone with Latin and a Christian symbol on it. At least that's what Indiana surmises after looking at it for about ten seconds.
  • Turns out Indiana reads early Latin, too, and he translates the stone table. It's directions to the Holy Grail. Yep, that Holy Grail.
  • Donovan pours some champagne into some decidedly less holy grails, and the two geek out over the Grail. Donovan says that he heard the Grail is one of Indiana's dad's passions. When Donovan brings up Indiana's dad, Indiana looks like he just drank urine, not bubbly.
  • Indiana confirms that Grail lore is a bit of a hobby for dear ol' Dad, and he says that Dad's a teacher of medieval lit—the teacher that students hope they don't get.
  • Mrs. Donovan barges in and tells Donovan that he's ignoring his guests. He smooches her and tells her to scram.
  • Indiana tells Donovan that it's going to be really hard to find the Grail, since they only have half of the sandstone tablet. Donovan tells Indiana that they're already looking. Well, then.
  • Then Donovan tells Indiana another Holy Grail story. Here's the Readers Digest version: The Grail was found once before by three knights of the Crusades who were also brothers. They hung out with the Grail and, after 150 years, two of them left to go back to business as usual and eventually died of really old age. Before he died, one of the brothers told his whole story to a Franciscan friar, and wouldn't you know it, Donovan's got the manuscript that the friar wrote.
  • Here's the catch: the friar's manuscript doesn't say where the Grail is, but it does say that there were two markers left behind that do say where the Grail is. That slab of sandstone? It's one of the markers.
  • Donovan says the other marker's supposedly buried with the dead brother in his tomb in Venice.
  • Venice? Hey, that rings a bell…
  • Finally, Donovan gets to his main point: their Grail project leader has vanished, along with all of his research, and Donovan wants Indiana to pick up where that dude left off.
  • Indiana's all, "Thanks, but no thanks. BTDubs, you've got the wrong Dr. Jones. The guy you should be talking to is my dad."
  • Then Donovan's all, "Uh, duh. We did. Your dad's the guy who disappeared."
  • Oh, snap.