Family Quotes in Infinity: Chronicles of Nick

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He could handle insults directed at him. It was the ones against his mom that elevated him to fighting mad. (1.121)

Nick is very protective of his mother. She is also very protective of him, so it's a relationship that works out well.

Quote #2

I'm the man of the family. It was his job to protect her. It was all he knew. (1.178)

Here the fact that Nick's mom is a single mother is alluded to, and it helps explain why the two are so protective of one another. But why is Nick's dad out of the picture? Does Nick think he is better off without his dad in the picture anymore?

Quote #3

He was not his father. He would never be like that man. (1.223)

Ah, that answers our previous question. But we're still not sure what Nick's problem is with his father. All we know is that Nick is glad he is not in the picture.