Jane Austen Websites

The Republic of Pemberley

The Republic of Pemberley is a volunteer-run discussion site dedicated to all things Austen. There are discussions on everyconceivable Austen topic, Jane Austen fan fiction, and an incredible Jane Austen Info Page with e-texts, criticism and her entire biography. There is even an advice column called Lady Catherine & Co., where members answer questions in the character of Austen's Lady Catherine de Bourgh.


This site is the home of the Derbyshire Writers' Guild, an organization dedicated to Austen fan fiction. If you've read all of Austen's stories and can't get enough, look here for stories, sequels, and spin-offs written in Austen style by some of the most devoted Janeites (yes, that's what they call themselves) out there.

The Cambridge History of English and American Literature

Fortunately for you, the 18 volumes of the Cambridge History are all archived online. Even more fortunately, their entry on Jane Austen is great. This is a great scholarly introduction to Austen and her most significant works.


This site, named after a candy shop in Bath, England that appears in Persuasion, is an online gathering place for Austen fans. It has e-texts illustrated with beautiful period images. You can even send an Austen-themed e-card to a fellow Austen fan.

The Jane Austen Centre

This is the official homepage for the center (excuse us, centre) dedicated to the memory of Bath's most famous resident. This fun site has information about the annual Austen Festival as well as interesting information about the Regency time period (how about cooking a Regency-era recipe for a class project?). It also has an Austen quiz and an online store—buy earrings shaped like Jane Austen's profile!

Jane Austen Places

Virtually visit the places relevant to Austen's life and works. This is a great way to get a mental picture of the places she writes about—many of the buildings haven't changed much since the eighteenth century.