The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale Part 3, Lines 1231-1331 Summary

  • A year has passed and it's now time for Palamon and Arcite to return to Athens. They both show up with their hundred knights, ready to fight.
  • The knights are all brave and chivalrous men, eager to prove themselves in battle.
  • Palamon's knights are all well armed and very noble.  He even has Lycurgus, King of Thrace, fighting for him. We're treated to a nice description of Lycurgus, bushy eyebrows, broad shoulders and all. We're supposed to be impressed.
  • Arcite also has a king with him: Emetreus, the King of India, who looks like the god of war himself. Just like with Lycurgus, we get a long and detailed description of the guy. His chariot is even surrounded by lions and leopards. Impressed yet?
  • Basically, both Palamon and Arcite have gathered armies full of brave and noble men. The knights are all kings, dukes, earls, and other gentlemen. In case you didn't notice, this battle is a big deal.
  • Theseus makes sure the armies get settled, and then everyone feasts and celebrates. There's gifts, dancing, music, the whole deal.