Lady Chatterley's Lover Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To get away from the house...she must get away from the house and everybody. The wood was her one refuge, her sanctuary (3.2)

If we were stuck in a house with a bunch of pretentious dudes all day, we'd want to get away, too. There's nothing like being surrounded by people you have nothing in common with to make you feel like you're better off holing up in a hut somewhere.

Quote #2

"Oh, you're quite right!" he said, turning his head away, and looking sideways, downwards, with that strange immobility of an old race that is hardly here in our present day. It was that that really made Connie lose her power to see him detached from herself. (3.45)

Michaelis may be vulgar and not very good in bed, but Connie finds herself wanting to connect with him anyway. It's a good thing, too, because Clifford sure isn't going to be reaching out to her any time soon.

Quote #3

Again he looked into her eyes, with that calm, searching detached glance. A man very much alone, and on his own. (6.75)

Mellors has been burned, and he's ready to hole up in a cabin in the woods, probably about two steps away from firing off manifestos to all the local newspapers. Can mail bombs be far behind?