Lewis Carroll Images

Lewis Carroll

Charles Dodgson, circa 1863.

Charles Dodgson

Another portrait of the writer.

Carroll With Macdonalds

Lewis Carroll with Louisa Macdonald and four of her children.

Alice in Wonderland

A page from the manuscript with Carroll's original illustration.

Alice Liddell

Carroll's child muse and the inspiration for Alice.

Alice Through the Looking Glass

Another photograph of Alice Liddell.

Alice and her sister

A posed photograph of Alice and Lorina Liddell.

Xie Kitchin

An 1870 portrait of Xie Kitchin, a young girl Carroll photographed several times.

Hatch Sisters

Colored photographs of the Hatch sisters.

Mad Tea Party

John Tenniel's original illustration for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

The White Rabbit

He's late for a very important date. Original illustration by John Tenniel.