Celestial Bodies/The Heavens

Symbol Analysis

Wordsworth invokes images of the heavens here to show us just how awesomely awesome Milton is (or rather, was). All of us mere un-poetic mortals are earth-bound and inferior in comparison to the semi-divine Milton, whose talents and innate goodness elevate him (figuratively, that is) above everyone else.

  • Line 9: Wordsworth constructs a simile to show us that Milton's "soul was like a Star," and was separate from all the rest of us.
  • Line 11: In addition to his stellar personal qualities, Milton's poetic voice was also quite impressive; in another simile, Wordsworth tells us that his hero's poetry is "Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free." Imagine the vast and impressive nature of a clear night sky – apparently, that's what reading Milton is like.