A Long Way from Chicago Mary Alice Dowdel Quotes

"A starved seventeen," Mary Alice said. "And she needs a friend." Then her jaw clamped shut in Grandma's own way, and she didn't say anything else all the way home. (5.44)

Even though Mary Alice hasn't ever hung out with Vandalia (and there's a big age difference between them), she still decides to befriend the girl. After all, Vandalia needs a friend more than anyone else right now.

"Shoot," Mary Alice said. "After all that pie crust I rolled out." In a way I was relieved. But then I saw my one and only chance for a plane ride crash and burn. (4.88)

Joey is quite dismayed by the appearance of this other beautiful pie, too. He doesn't necessarily care about the pie contest, but he does want to get a ride in an airplane—which is the prize if Grandma Dowdel's pie wins.

"But, Joey, who was it sent to?" Mary Alice wondered.

"Grandma, I guess."

"She got valentines?" Mary Alice and I stared at each other. (6.63-65)

The thought of Grandma Dowdel ever being someone's valentine is completely unbelievable to both Joey and Mary Alice. Was she ever young enough to be someone's sweetheart?