Lord of Light

(3) Base Camp

Have you ever wanted to tour a futuristic society crafted on Hindu mythology? Duh, right? Well you're in luck as you'll find few trails easier-going than the one Roger Zelazny has bushwhacked for us in Lord of Light. Zelazny's writing style is poetic but at the same time simple and fluid, so although the future society is alien to our Earthly sensibilities, the writing prevents us from getting lost in this otherworldly land.

There are a few stumbling blocks for the unwary reader, though. Since this is Hindu mythology, the names of characters and places can be a little difficult for those of us used to Western conventions. And the timeline can also get a little tricky since the relationship of one event to another isn't immediately clear. It all makes sense in the end, though, so worry not. Plus, these are minor issues, and problems well worth traipsing through to hike to the top and see that grand, mythological landscape spread out before you.