Love Medicine Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Sometimes he used words I had to ask him the meaning of, and other times he didn't make even the simplest sense. I loved him for being both ways. A wash of love swept me over the sickness. I sat up. (1.4.14)

Albertine is drinking with Lipsha, whom she finds both super deep and super confusing. Albertine seems to have some pretty deep feelings for Lipsha (it's not clear if her love is strictly related to their family relationship, or something more…).

Quote #2

I was that girl who thought the black hem of her garment would help me rise. Veils of love which was only hate petrified by longing—that was me. (2.1.8)

In a kind of unorthodox or nasty perspective on love, Marie suggests that love is just hate that's gotten hardened up after lots of longing. Given that she was under the nasty Sister Leopolda's wing at that point, it's not super surprising that she would see the "veils of love" as a matter of hate.

Quote #3

"What's your love medicine," I asked Nanapush that evening, after I was allowed back inside. Rushes Bear had walked off, slower and more thoughtful as she moved down the hill, merely brushing the leaves out of her way. "She hates you but you drive her crazy." (4.1.13)

Lulu asked her uncle Nanapush how he managed to have such a frisky love life with Rushes Bear, even though they fought all the time. To her, these two things seemed totally irreconcilable—she thought magic or "love medicine" had to be involved. However, Nanapush denied the charge, saying that he simply put a lot of, er, time into that frisky element in their relationship.