Jim Dixon Timeline and Summary


Jim Dixon Timeline and Summary

  • When we first meet Jim, he's an unhappy, repressed lecturer at a British university trying to stay on the good side of his boss, Professor Welch, while secretly hating everything about his life and job.
  • Jim gets himself invited to a weekend get-together at Professor Welch's house. He doesn't want to go, but he can't get out of it.
  • Jim meets up with Margaret Peel, a girl he's sort of seeing and sort of not seeing (something you'd mark as "It's complicated" on your Facebook relationship status).
  • At the weekend party, he meets Welch's pompous son Bertrand and becomes infatuated with his new girlfriend Christine.
  • In one of many drinking binges, he falls asleep smoking and burns the bed sheets in his guestroom.
  • Jim goes to a party at the university with Margaret but gets fed up with all of the phonies around him and convinces Christine to leave with him.
  • Jim finds out that he needs to deliver a public history lecture for the university. Realizing that the future of his job will probably depend on the lecture's success, he starts preparing.
  • Jim meets Christine for tea, and both of them agree they can't be together because neither one's really comfortable with betraying the person they're with.
  • The day of Jim's big lecture comes, and Jim gets sloshed before taking the podium. The lecture ends up being a total disaster, Jim passes out, and that's it for the job.
  • But then Jim's fairy godfather swoops in, in the form of Mr. Gore-Urquhart, Christine's uncle. Gore-Urquhart has decided that he likes Jim and gives him the same job in London that Bertrand has been gunning for.
  • Jim catches up with Christine before she returns to London and finally takes matters into his own hands by proposing that they start dating.
  • As they leave the train station, they pass the Welch family. Jim laughs in their faces, basically saying, "I win, and you lose" as he walks away with Christine on his arm.