The Man in the High Castle Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Man in the High Castle? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who spooks Childan about the antique gun being a fake?

Frank Frink
Ed McCarthy
Paul Kasoura
Antiques Roadshow
Q. Hawthorne Abendsen's book is called…

The Fighting Cockroaches
Miss Lonelyhearts
The Grasshopper Lies Heavy
The Lion That Roared
Q. What does the Edfrank jewelry do to Tagomi?

It amuses him.
It appalls him.
It makes him hungry.
It sends him to a timeline where the Nazis lost.
Q. What antique does Tagomi give Baynes?

Civil War pistol
Civil War recruiting poster
Mickey Mouse watch
Q. Who uses the I Ching?

The Terminator
Juliana Frink