Custance Timeline and Summary


Custance Timeline and Summary

  • As her father has ordered, Custance travels to Syria in a caravan to marry the Sultan.
  • The Sultan's mother casts Custance out to sea in a rudderless boat, where she drifts aimlessly for a few years.
  • Custance lands on the coast of Northumbria.
  • She makes friends with the Constable and his wife, who welcome her into their home.
  • Custance converts the Constable and his wife to Christianity.
  • A treacherous knight frames her for the murder of the Constable's wife.
  • Custance marries King Alla after he has helped her to prove her innocence.
  • Alla's mother, Donegild, conspires to have Custance cast out to sea in a rudderless boat with her baby son.
  • Custance drifts for a while, then washes up on the shores of another foreign land where a knight tries to rape her.
  • After fighting the knight off, Custance drifts on the open sea again.
  • A Roman senator on his way back from Syria picks up Custance's boat and takes her and her baby into his household.
  • Custance comes face to face with Alla again when he travels to Rome on pilgrimage.
  • Reunited with her husband and father, Custance returns to Northumbria.
  • After Alla dies, Custance returns to Rome and lives a life of prayer and almsgiving until her death.